We started our coastal trip today down Route 105
Then we headed to Westport. It was also relatively quiet and non-happening, but I still found the harbor rather adorable. Plus we rock climbed.
Next stop was the biggest oyster captial of the "world" - Raymond on the Willapa and South Bend.
We are not sure about Oyster Capital, but we are sure to appreciate the industrial backdrop to raw beauty juxtapositon.
I then taught Yahtzee all about the fact that I can "bring home the bacon all fried up in a pan" - the largest ever in Long Beach, Washington. Is now a good time to mention that there was a BAKON bacon infused vodka on the shelf here...and i think it sounds kinda sounds good, or ?
He was not impressed at my bacon bring on...
But deffo more excited that he could drive the car on the beach, and a beautiful beach it is.
(prayers never hurt either)
Finally, we are in Astoria, so have a new village to visit tomorrow.
We travelled over an amazing bridge to get here
And we are staying at the Cannery Pier Hotel which is a nice treat, including spa and jacuzzi
Sweet dreams and good night.