Saturday, March 26, 2011

On being a Pittsburgh Fan

Some days, when you are a Pittsburgh fan, its best to just hibernate.

Hibernation Day 2 - post shower
Such marks my trip trip to DC last weekend with Yahtee.

Were we disappointed when Pittsburgh Steelers made it to the Superbowl, only fall to a bunch of cheese heads?
Yes, we were.

Were we disappointed when Pittsburgh lost first round at Big East tournament at MSG?
Most definitely.

And did we leave Verizon Center broken-hearted Pitt fans?
Yes, we did.
(who is Butler anyway?)

So after such an emotional game that called for some serious hibernation (Dasha got 20 hours), a romantic stroll around Potomac Park on a beautiful day to admire the blooming Cherry Blossoms was well in order.


Cherry Pie


A hipster in DC - move over Michelle Obama

It was just a short trip but a much needed one. We have learned that being a fan of all sports teams Pittsburgh has its disappointments, but just as the cherry blossoms come back year after year in all their beauty and grandeur, demanding an audience - so is it also with our Pittsburgh sports teams. 

Next year is all ours.

Go Pitt

Friday, March 11, 2011

Whirlwind Visit with Good People

I am feeling honored that my dear friend came to visit me in NYC on her last weekend in the US. It was long overdue but even more so, much needed.

It's interesting when you think about friendships and the things that bond. Me and C met through Weave Girl, but I knew right away that we would have have become friends under any circumstance. I was automatically taken by C's energy, openness, ability to live in the moment and smile. And over time, I came to know her as also a person who is very persistent in achieving her goals, thoughtful in her actions and true blue to her friends and family.  She is worldly yet unpretentious. She is good people.

To me, this picture really embodies C's spirit.

In our 24 hour whirlwind visit, we managed to walk along the Bowery and through Soho, stopping for art shows (including opening night for Mark Morrisroe) and drinking coffee at Ground Support, listening to music at the Rockwood and meeting friends at V Bar, eating a world-class burger at Corner Bistro (who were experiencing a black out) and drinking up at Cubby Hole, and playing a little guitar and having lunch with Yahtzee at Mexican at La Superior.

And of course, sitting on the rooftop in Snuggies till 4:30 in the morning - talking.

The New Museum on the Bowery

Ground Support LOVE
Is there anything she can't do?
at Cubby Hole
Bon Voyage friend, I have no doubt your energy and smile will win the Dutch over as you find a new home in the Netherlands. 
Thank you for being my friend.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Mastering the art of Chillaxin'

I am writing this blog entry today from a new outpost. 

It seems I have underrated the art of Chillaxin' for years now, leaving it only to vacations and an occasional weekend.  But in the last weeks I have discovered that many activities can take place from this new post, besides the obvious...but even (wink wink), that spawn much creativity and well being.  For the last weeks, I have
  • finished the Patti Smith book Just Kids (inspiring in itself)
  • practiced Give a Little Bit on the guitar
  • listened to Mind the Dubstep mix over & over (its a goodie) - ==>right here
  • drew a self portrait ( i should post this for a laugh)
  • loaded up my grooveshark library with more songs
  • wrote my husband a love letter
  • pondered my life. And the lives of others. This resulted in a letter to myself
  • updated my online picture library and reminisced a little
  • ordered a new pair of James Jeans online after wearing out the old pair
  • worked on my narrative, but nothing really good
  • wondered what the next year or two will bring and dreamed a little
  • and thought about all the things I "need to do" and stayed in bed anyway :-)
So in this spirit, I wish you all a chillaxin' Saturday