I spent some time on Labor Day weekend to organize myself after such a whirlwind Summer, which according to my photos definitely made living easy.
For starters, and this one is 30 years coming, my Dad finished his dream to build a Babbling Brook which became a retirement project of sorts. Dad had a smaller version in mind back in 1980, but he likes to dream big for sure. This is why we love him. With the help of my brother, it really turned into a serene spot with water billowing over rocks and under a bridge into a small pond. I can picture myself sitting there taking in a sunny day when I need to unwind or dream a little myself.
Oh, and there were birthdays galore.
I am proud to say I was invited in “the circle” once again this year to celebrate with this lady and her family. It was a late night, we had lots to celebrate…
Mom & my niece celebrated birthdays back in the Burgh. My Aunt was also visiting so it was a really a treat to have her around. We all wish she would move closer already! My niece has decided that holding out at 3 is better than turning 4, so she is 3…again. I didn't get to go to the party, but I did help to pick out the dress!
Plus two 40th birthday celebrations.
We celebrated in style at Beauty & Essex and Stanton Social with my british jersey friend – we Americans were outnumbered for this one but held steady when it came to drinking, not an easy feat.
Jersey girl |
My bbf in the Burg had a nice backyard BBQ to celebrate. There were lots of kids, food and fun and the perfect summer night.
Pin Up Poster Girl |
As for me, I had a little happy hour rooftop shindig. It was very sophisticated until the whipped vodka showed up…you know who you are. The evening was a dream(cicle), but the next day a nightmare. But all was better when Yahtzee took me for my surprise! We spend a day at The Spa at Mandarin Oriental, where we had a private room with sauna, dampfbad and Jacuzzi…topped off with a two hour massage from head to toe. That was heavenly.
Rock on Gold Dust Woman - Concert Night |
Me and Yahtzee found some things locally to keep us amused. We took a ride to Long Beach one afternoon to watch the kites and the surfers. I am always impressed at the patriotism in this country – it was not a holiday weekend but flags speckled the beach.
We saw Stevie Nicks live at Jones Beach and it was fantastic. I have loved her since I was a kid, and I still do now. She is a great storyteller and I love the way it comes out in her songs. Not to mention her independent spirit and bohemian nature. Stevie still rocks.
Naturally, I got in loads of Stella time. I put a few hundred miles on her just this summer alone. Still getting comments about riding the man around town, but we take it in stride. I got to pick up Yahtzee from work one night (after a little shopping), do you think this man loves me???? He’s adorable, right!
Yahtzee loves Dasha. Dasha loves Stella.
And I am continuing with my guitar lessons, so am now thinking of writing a song about my love for Stella…and my husband.
We managed a few getaways too – in particular an awesome escape to Martha’s Vineyard. We rented a house with two other couples who are not only great friends but wonderful housemates.
Mastering the art of chillaxin' |
The house was on Stonehenge Road and sat back in the woods. We kept the windows open and sat inside in the early evening reading, practicing guitar and cooking (well, not me but I provided some entertainment). In the evenings, we sat on the deck and enjoyed the company, the stars and a few drinks
(should i mention Whipped Vodka again??)
I was not just relaxed, I was even lazy.
There was everything to do and nothing to do.
Yahtzee found time for running and golfing.
I went for beach walks every morning and grew my rock collection.
On the Ferry |
And we were all on the search for a perfect lobster roll. Here we are at a local church as we watch on to the lobster preparations.
Without a doubt, MV requires a return trip.
Thanks for letting us in on your little secret, guys.
Me & Snug's BFF
The weather in NYC was a bit more unpredictable. Between an earthquake (I was off enjoying a ONE martini lunch and missed the seismic wave) and Irene, we EW left to question what is next. But we were in the safe zone for both, perched up high on the 5th floor. After the hurricane we took a look around and there was high waters and uprooted trees on the East River. But the sun came out shortly after the storm passed, and we had a little impromptu Jaggi-Q on the roof deck.
Speaking of unpredictable. Inabell is going to get
married, but you would never guess it from this here photo. Yes, this once conservative young lady really impressed us with her HEN NIGHT stunts ...Lets just say she put the Pop in Lollipop, and we keep it between us girls.
So as I said, Summer was a ‘happenin!
I hope yours was just as long and sunny…
Shine on.