Thursday, August 30, 2012

i believe in love

happy anniversary, Yahtzee

Boy do i love this guy

Shine on


Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Yankee Doodle Dandy

Look who has got his green card!

It's certainly a turning point
after 7 years living here in NYC on a work visa
Yahtzee's green card status is official.

In his own words
"You can't even run and hide from me in your own country now"

Not to worry, this Yankee is here to stay.

And how to celebrate????

cheap diner food of course
A late night, processed food feast sitting at the counter at Joe's Jr Diner in Gramercy
I think Yahtzee is hooked
Especially with the sappy songs playing, like
Love Lift Us Up Where We Belong and Hello by Lionel Richie
very classy

Oh, and we even brought home a slice of lemon meringue pie
in case we have to satisfy a sweet tooth later

I was happy to introduce an all american diner experience 
to this tall cool americano

A Yankee Doodle Dandy for sure


Sunday, August 12, 2012


today was just one of those days where i cried as much as i laughed.

The smallest things and the biggest things affected me all the same for whatever the reason…lets just say its been a more emotional day than i have had in recent memory.

I don't know if you have ever seen the movie Once but it is a beautiful film and its now a wonderful broadway show.  Such a great love story, so raw and unassuming and and the music is so pure…JT treated me tonight and I cried all the rest of my tears somewhere between the songs "Falling Slowly" and "When Your Mind is Made Up."

Going to bed now to dream of happy things like pinwheels and stars and romance!  


Friday, August 10, 2012

Leo Ladies.

Moms birthday was yesterday. 

I asked my mom what good advice she could share with me in her beepty-bleep years. 
Mom says, 

"Sometimes you just have to roll with the punches"

Words to live by for sure!

Leo ladies.
Especially for this Leo Child
Who has always admired Mom's ability to remain calm 
and inject a little humor while she is at it

Leo child (with Child) in Deutschland on  Saturday
going with the flow at 40 years old!! and 30 weeks pregnant

Love you Mom. happy birthday.

Here's to another year of 
floating like a butterfly and stinging like a bee!


Friday, August 3, 2012

happy summer days

this past weekend i travelled to Pittsburgh to host a shower with the other "hays girls" for my brother and his fiancee. I was only in charge of the invites but the other ladies did an awesome job to pull it off without a hitch, from making all the food to caring for all planned games and every tied ribbon 

homemade punch
homemade jelly
homemade hugs
hot buns

long time friends

hostesses with the mostesses

As usual, we didn't spend as much time visiting as i would have liked but we did manage to see a few good friends, hang in the pool and get in a little "pre-birthday" cake

learning to fly

pa takes care

making a splash

staying afloat

spin with honey on raft

good friends

more happy summer days please
next stop: deutschland