As an aside, I’d like to first say, this was Lola’s first “Stella ride” and she voiced her excitement the whole ride over which I totes understand, I share the joy every time I set eyes on her. We were a little nervous to leave Stella in front of Scores but she ended up being well looked after.
Blake was our dealer for the evening and kept us quite entertained teaching us the rules, some new words (I staked her, as opposed to I steaked her – which I have to admit I thought was a 2000’s take on the 1980’s term “I porked her”) and feeding us snacks and alcohol. What was so fascinating was the different approach each of us took toward the game. Let me introduce the playa’s by name, as I have learned from there are more than just SHARKS out there – of which, btw, none of us were (see
Play very tight & premium hands (high pocket pairs and high hands). Best to avoid getting involved with them unless you have a really strong hand.
Play a lot of hands and chase pots on draws. They will call down to the river with almost any pair so value bet your big hands against them.
Prefer to let other players force the action and call with almost any pair. Like to see lots of flops and are involved in many showdowns. The best way to make money from these players is to value bet big hands so that they continue to chase their pairs, or weaker hands. Bluffing these types of players is not a good idea though, as they are more likely to call with weaker hands.
Players are extremely aggressive and scary to play against. They try to win a lot of pots by bluffing, semi-bluffing and raising big. These players can usually be knocked off a hand by check raising them when you connect on a flop as they will almost always continuation bet after a flop where they have raised pre-flop
Afterwards, we met the men at Beauty Bar

and Ottos for some Tiki Action.
Once again it is confirmed, Dark and Stormy’s make me dark and stormy.
It's Minerva dahling...not MinTerva :)
ReplyDeleteTop night love!
But of course - Minerva.