Do you remember this little cutie?
Little Cutie |
Here she is in the early days
Well she turned 3 months old last week and I couldn't believe how much growing she did in that time, my oh my. First and foremost she is growing into one sweet thing - holding up her head a little better, smiling - oh boy the smiles!, and just staring at everything in grand wonder, especially her mama.
Makes me think about he importance of other milestones we celebrate in life - which tend to be mostly the big ones, like birthdays (dad just had a biggie!), new jobs or promotions, finishing something you really wanted to do, moving into a new space or a new place, getting married….and all these things that really begin to shape us somehow and define who we are.
But what about all those little ones, they count too don't they?
Grasping things for the first time, learning to transition quickly from a F to Dm to G chords on the guitar, holding a yoga pose without blocks, drinking 10 shots of espresso, finishing a hard workout, making Sunday dinner, or packing for a trip in less than 2 hours (still working on this one…)
Whatever they are,
I was reminded last week when visiting little cutie
to celebrate the little victories a little more too
what little milestones are you proud of?