Merry Christmas from Urban Disco
(via the Compound)
Spending the day with family, especially little Niece & Nephew, really brought the Christmas spirit to life.
Of course we missed our family and friends in other pockets of the world,
but I have been enjoying cruizing Facebook today checking out all the magical little moments.
Really missed Buzzy this year, and wish that Bambi was able to join us. Those two are never far from mind.
For me, the moments shared, even those in my thoughts, were the best presents around.
Busily writing our holiday cards back at Disco
Annual xmas even drinks at Jacks - we missed you Smitty
enjoying a spot of Christmas Day sunshine with my baby sister
Niece & Nephew on wheels - Niece first day on skates and she's a natural!
Santa delivered on white fur coats this year (for the nice ones)
Skyping with our German family

Christmas Day dinner at the Compound
Nobody guessed the Nutcracker would be the most popular gift…or the 40's suitcase
Santa's helpers are still Stylin' & Profilin' after a hard night's work
The ride…we can do this in our sleep
(speaking of which, the next photo on roll was me with neck back, mouth wide open!)
My niece had her FIRST SINGING PROGRAM and was a STAR!
….So is baby Jesus
Misbehaving at work Christmas Party
Wherever Honey and Grandpa are, the kids are sure to follow
Just an ode to Awesome boots - way to go Sants!
A very special meeting - Merry Christmas little guy
Einen guten Rutsch ins Neue Jahr!
xoxo -
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