Braces. The one thing every kid had to have but was NEVER cool. I still remember those awkward moments of smiling at a boy and feeling like he was staring directly back at my silver lined mouth… On second though, judging from this photo, it could have been my too permed hair…of course this picture leaves much to comment on including Mom's old kitchen and the "shadowy wall" - almost looks like a little afro-action)
First of many Jean Jackets and bad hair-dos |
Oh and that awful retainer that literally hurt your whole jaw as you lie on your back in bed dreaming of a white toothed smile. That day did finally come for me in 9th grade, and lasted quite a few years too. In my 30's, however, those darned bullyish teeth decided to go again this way and another - landing me right back to those dreaded days of seeing an orthodontist.
Only this time, I AM a cool kid.
the retainers are in, you will have to squint |
I got my new Invisalign retainers 2 weeks ago and today was my first checkup. This is a pretty cool system, firstly the retainers are clear AND come out.
I will have to swap out the retainer about 10 times over 20 weeks as my teeth shift. The orthodontist was pleased with my progress after first checkup and I am on track for a new smile due September 15. There is little drawback to these guys if you can escape the 2-week lisp that occurs when learning to talk with the retainers (i overcame this in about 10 minutes, some say i talk too much..).
Best of all they prevent you from snacking outside your dedicated meals since you have to remove them to eat.
Not to mention I am in good company with my modern day braces of which are also sported by a few other lovely ladies around the office. Yeah, we are trend-setters alright.
Anyway, be on the lookout for my new winning smile this fall.