well it wasn't our best driving time ever, but we made it to Pittsburgh for a day and a half of visiting with our family and it was quite relaxing. I still love it when we finally make it off the highway and get to roll down the windows and take in the fresher air and quietness. No beeping of horns, competing for greenlights and watching for bikers and boarders and joggers at every turn. Just the rattle of the car, the wind blowing back my hair and the promise of a hug from mom in the very near future.
causing a few stares - strategy |
Of course, we played things a little differently this time. First stop was the golf course where Yahtzee and my brother played a few holes with friends. Yahtz wore his lederhosen for good fun though i am sure that a few of those guys are under the impression all germans are running around like this 24/7. Then I was off to the beauty salon - thanks to dad for the gift certificate at christmas. I met my little sister there and together we got our locks done. I love it when they straighten my hair, but how come i have such a hard tie getting it so straight and smooth and shiny myself??? I have all the same tools and potions and lotions at home but no joy. My sister got a new look going on too with some highlights which i think look great. She is still getting used to them 2 days on but i have a hunch she will go lighter still next time - and be a natural "dark blond" like me.
Once at the compound, the kids were already suited up and in the pool. i am not sure how they do it because the water is quite cold still, but they are certainly braver than me. I did not even manage to dangle my feet in the shallow end.

We somehow got quite a bit accomplished in the short time we were there, mainly because everyone was in one place for a change. We talked through the invites for my brother's wedding and shower. My older sister is making the invites and i was reminded of how creative she has been since a little girl when my mom pulled out some of her earlier school projects later in the evening. Her writing and artwork were well advanced from the get-go. Lets see, i also got some interior decorating advice on what color to paint our cabinets that are currently being built. I used to take a crack at Mom when she would have 30 carpet samples spread out and having a tough time making a decision, but this is exactly what i have been going through with my paint samples the past three weeks. We landed on
After the Rain and was then rewarded with a tasty steak dinner. I also got to drive a "nice car" for a change and drove my sister's NEW Mazda over to my brother's NEW house. didn't get to see the inside yet but I know he and his wife-to-be will quickly call it a home. Oh, and i sooo want a new car!
Mostly, we took special time today to remember those who fought for our freedoms and have sacrificed their lives in the process. There have been countless brave men and women who should be commemorated, and my Uncle Donny is among them. We paid a silent tribute to our heroes.

Thanks again mom and dad, for making our trip so nice. Wish we could stay longer and already looking forward to more homemade Jelly, warmer pool water, a bbq at bro's new place, morning talks over coffee and more shopping on the next trip!
And hopefully a record-time drive in with our own NEW car.
I hope you all had a wonderful long holiday weekend.
The kids loved playing in the yard with JT, the lederhosen didn't seem to phase them at all! :) As always, I am sad when you guys leave, but happy to have some time well spent. I love you both!