Saturday, March 5, 2011

Mastering the art of Chillaxin'

I am writing this blog entry today from a new outpost. 

It seems I have underrated the art of Chillaxin' for years now, leaving it only to vacations and an occasional weekend.  But in the last weeks I have discovered that many activities can take place from this new post, besides the obvious...but even (wink wink), that spawn much creativity and well being.  For the last weeks, I have
  • finished the Patti Smith book Just Kids (inspiring in itself)
  • practiced Give a Little Bit on the guitar
  • listened to Mind the Dubstep mix over & over (its a goodie) - ==>right here
  • drew a self portrait ( i should post this for a laugh)
  • loaded up my grooveshark library with more songs
  • wrote my husband a love letter
  • pondered my life. And the lives of others. This resulted in a letter to myself
  • updated my online picture library and reminisced a little
  • ordered a new pair of James Jeans online after wearing out the old pair
  • worked on my narrative, but nothing really good
  • wondered what the next year or two will bring and dreamed a little
  • and thought about all the things I "need to do" and stayed in bed anyway :-)
So in this spirit, I wish you all a chillaxin' Saturday


  1. You may be the only person I know that includes a list in the act of chillaxin'! Although, this "short" list is nothing compared to what I can see you pack into one day, so I'm happy to see you are taking some "Steph time". But once those new James Jeans arrive on your doorstep, I have a feeling I'll see a whole different vibe in your next blog! haha Can't wait to hear you play Give a Little Bit in person, it's one of my favorites.
    In the spirit of your post, I have chillaxed today as "done" list is, watched movies, and ate pizza which ironically enough led to a note to self, it reads...don't eat any more pizza, Johanna, and for God's sake, get out of your PJ's!
    I hope JT is workin in some Chillaxin' too!
    Love you, Jollaxin'

  2. Also spent the day chillaxin :) Thanks for the podcast mention, although I hope I didn't ruin your formatting by posting a new episode this evening (I hadn't read your post yet)...I have another inspiring and fun read for you 'Publish This Book' by Stephen Markley, finished it last week, a most excellent book.

  3. Funny how different my chillaxin looks;-)
    Today I took some Britta-time, I watched Löwenzahn in the morning and learned all about frogs and toads six-year-olds should know, had a fabulous workout, met with Laua and Rasmus and went to a nature reservoire, hads a coup of coffee and apple pie on a terrace with a brilliant look on the lake at Zuidlaren and had an awesome hike through the reservoire (including a run between some Scotish Highland cows and geese). Now I am cooking Goulash and then I will retreat to my sofa;-)
    I feel perfectly relaxed... really should make some time like this more often.
    Luv ya, bx

  4. @Jollaxin - you really make laugh. I love your humor.

    @Richard - will look into the book for sure, i did read the ordinary sparkling moments book - really liked it. also patty smith, think that was you who mentioned! loved that. looking forward to new podcast :-)

    @ Britta, though i cant pronounce the places where you went, it all sounds lovely. Glad you enjoyed Britta time!
