Saturday, September 17, 2011

Happy 30th Geburtie

One very caring, sensitive, smart and beautiful woman has just turned thirty - 
my sister.

The archaeologist and the Geburtie Girl

We celebrated with a surprise dinner party - nicely catered and organized by Mama Yahtzee. My sister's friends were all great, though I was particularly fond of the archaeologist of the bunch (yes, really digging up earth in far away places!) and not just because, as a German, she got my little quirky habits and off color stories, but because she was quite fun herself. We ate lots, drinks lots and laughed lots - 

So cheers to you, Sister. And I suppose that given your soon-to-be zip code, it is now fitting to send you into the next year of life with an Irish quote!

As you slide down the banister of life 
may the splinters never point in the wrong direction.

Lots of love and luck, 

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